
Education in Bulgaria is compulsory for children between 5 and 16 years old. Parents who do not enroll their children in the education system are subject to fines and are not entitled to family allowances for children.

Pre-school education

A state educational standard for preprimary education sets a set of requirements for learning outcomes. Pre-school education is carried out by kindergartens, but can also be carried out by schools, which can provide conditions for this. Pre-school education is compulsory from the school year, which starts in the year of reaching the age of 4, but not earlier than the school year, which begins in the year of reaching the age of three. It is organized in four age groups: 3-4 years old, 4-5 years old, 5-6 years old and 6-7 years old.

The purpose of pre-school education is to provide upbringing, socialization, training and upbringing of children until their entry into the first grade. The school year lasts 180 days.. Pre-school education is carried out in full-day, half-day, part-time or independent organization.

School Education

School education in Bulgaria starts at the age of 7. At the discretion of parents/guardians, 6-year-olds can go to school if their physical and mental development allows.

School education according to the degree is primary and secondary, and according to the content of the preparation it is general and vocational. Schools are primary, primary, unified schools, high school, specialized school, secondary school, special school.

The basic level of education is divided into primary stage (grades 1-4) and lower secondary (grades 5-7). The secondary level of education is divided into the first upper secondary stage (grades 8-10) and the second upper secondary stage (grades 11-12). Upper secondary general education takes place in comprehensive schools (3 and 4 years of schooling) and in profiled schools (4 and 5 years of schooling).

Students are admitted to specialized or vocational schools after passing entrance exams after VII or VIII grade in Bulgarian language and literature, mathematics, humanities, etc. Restrictions based on race, nationality, sex, ethnic and social origin, religion and social status are not allowed.

Higher Education

Higher education institutions are universities, specialized higher education institutions and independent colleges. The higher education system organizes post-secondary education training for the acquisition of the following educational and qualification degrees Bachelor, Master, Doctor. Privileges and restrictions related to age, race, nationality, ethnicity, gender, social origin, political views and religion are not allowed in higher education..

Vocational training and adult education

Training and adult education has been adopted as a tool for human resource development in a number of national strategies. The main objective of adult training and education is to improve the level of qualification of unemployed and employed people and to enable them to adapt to the rapidly changing working and living environment.


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